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Unique Experience and Relatable Approach

Why Tracy

In the current job market, it's not enough to be good at your job, it's important to be good at your career. Being good at your career means being more authentic and making intentional choices that are right for you. If you are looking for a coach who is experienced, direct, and relatable, I’d love to help you move into action.I've been where you are and can be your advocate as you navigate the complexity of achieving your true goals. If this sounds like the boost you need, book a free career boost coaching sesssion with me! I'd love to learn more about you and help you accelerate your career.

- Tracy Akresh  Stone
Founder & PCC


Leadership Coaching | Lifting Leaders Up



Let’s collaborate to achieve your greatest leadership challenges and accelerate your career. 


Tracy combines business experience with coaching to maximize impact. Early in her career, Tracy held consulting and managerial positions at large companies such as Ernst & Young, JPMorgan and Hewlett Packard, and at start-ups including Esurance and POPSUGAR.


She got into coaching because of her fascination with people; how they are similar, how they different and how it takes all types to make companies run successfully. She has a particular expertise in personality, leadership, employee engagement and  behavioral styles.


As a coach, Tracy has a proven track record of creating positive outcomes with executives and teams in marketing, finance, operations and engineering at top start-up and diverse enterprises in Tech, Financial Services, Health-Care, Energy and Non-Profits.


She has business degrees from both Wharton and Michigan and is a ICF PCC and trained at the College of Executive Coaching.


Tracy lives, works and plays in San Francisco Bay Area.


It doesn’t interest me who you know or how you came to be here.
I want to know if you will stand in the centre of the fire with me and not shrink back.
It doesn’t interest me
where or what or with whom you have studied.

I want to know what sustains you from the inside
when all else falls away.
I want to know if you can be alone with yourself
and if you truly like the company you keep
in the empty moments.


By Oriah 1999 All rights reserved


Tracy's coaching has a foundation in the principles of positive psychology and a core belief that every client can improve by understanding and developing their own unique set of strengths. She starts with what is good, what is working and what to do more of. She helps you imagine what is possible! 


Tracy utilizes comprehensive goal setting, a intervieiw based 360 process, the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator(MBTI®), Berens' Interaction Styles, Values in Action (VIA) signature strengths, the Skill Kit for Leaders (SKL) and other emotional intelligence assessments to propel a profound self-discovery. The discovery is supported by an action plan that leads the way through the path to success.




Tracy is a Highly Credentialed and Certified Practitioner


She earned a Bachelor of Science from the Wharton Business School of the University of Pennsylvania and an MBA from the University of Michigan. Tracy is certified in numerous assessments, is a

Professional Certified Coach (PCC), and is a University of Michigan Preferred Coach.


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