Remberm those toxic teenage cliques you thought you left behind? They’re still influencing your career
Watching my preteen navigate middle school has led me to delve into how teenage “tribe” behavior takes hold in adolescent girls and lingers throughout adulthood. It’s not just cliques at lunch; these patterns reappear in the workplace, undermining your capacity to lead confidently and collaboratively
From Cliques to Boardrooms
Lisa Damour’s book Untangled shows us how girls navigate critical developmental stages, each influenced by the social webs they form. Rosalind Wiseman’s book Queen Bees & Wannabees offers a candid look into the unspoken rules that govern teenage tribes, complete with shifting loyalties, hidden power structures, and the highs and lows of teenage friendships. All of these shape your self-image and interpersonal style well before your first job interview

Most importantly, the CONFIDENCE gap described in The Confidence Code by Katty Kay & Claire Shipman has deep roots in those formative group behaviors. What starts as a fear of “not fitting in” or “making waves” can evolve into self-doubt, perfectionism, or reluctance to speak up in meetings. The ripple effects touch everything from team morale to promotions and pay
Why Women’s Leadership Coaching Matters
Awareness of ingrained patterns can help you recognize how adolescent “tribe” tendencies are still showing up. For example, hesitating to voice opinions, bartering on finely curated information, defaulting to people-pleasing. By unveiling these learned behaviors and past influences you can start to see what is underneath and unlock new levels of authenticity, emotional intelligence, and collaborative leadership
I coach many brilliant leaders who are interested in getting to the next level and finding their hidden voice. I offer a FREE Leadership Boost and would love to see you